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New Syllabus Primary Mathematics Book 1 (2nd Edition)
PKR 1,595.00
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New Syllabus Primary Mathematics (NSPM) is a series of textbooks and workbooks specially written to reflect a student-centered approach, which serves to engage pupils so that they have a solid foundation in Mathematics.
Special Features for Books
- Child-friendly and infused with interest and enjoyment, the series uses a progressive approach to introduce new concepts and reinforce them through all the levels
- Chapter Opener to arouse pupils’ curiosity of the contents of the chapter
- Recap for pupils to recall learnt concepts
- In Focus for pupils to discuss questions related to various learning objectives
- Let’s Learn for the introduction of new concepts through the Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract approach
- Activity Time (We Work Together, Play A Game!, IT’s Fun) to allow pupils to develop requisite skills, knowledge and attitudes with the inclusion of learning experiences
- Practice for immediate evaluation of pupils’ learning
- Mind Workout to encourage pupils to apply learnt concepts to solve non-routine questions
- Maths Journal for pupils to reflect on their learning process
- Self Check for pupils to keep track of their own learning progress