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We welcome book proposals for academic and general audiences. Most of our publications deal with Pakistan but we do publish a few works on South Asia. Proposals for School and Higher Education textbooks are also considered. We encourage prospective authors to view our website to make sure that their book fits the list before submitting the proposal. The Press does not publish and will not examine contemporary fiction (novels, short stories, unless prescribed at an educational institution as a literary text or recommended reading), poetry, drama, memoir, how-to or self-help books, cookbooks, 'coffee table' or photographic books, or medical books.
In order to submit a book proposal to Oxford University Press (OUP) Pakistan, please send the following information.
Author Details
- Name
- Job title
- Address
- Telephone number
- Fax number
- Email address
Professional Details
- Your degree and professional qualifications
- Present appointment
- Previous appointments of relevance (and dates)
- Previous and forthcoming publications
- Related teaching/research experience
- [What makes you qualified to write this book? List your credentials and experience in relation to the topic of the book. Do you have experience speaking, teaching, or writing about this or similar subjects? Have you published other books, or periodical or journal articles?]
Brief Synopsis of the Book
- This should give the information below, some sample text(s), and a justification as to why the book should be published.
- Table of contents.
- What is the manuscript about? Provide a brief synopsis.
- What is the purpose of the book and how will this book achieve its aim?
- How would you summarize your approach to the subject?
- What are your expectations about the specifications of the prospective book in terms of format (size), layout, presentation, etc.?
Anticipated Market for the Book
- Who should read it and why?
- How large an audience do you expect for this book?
Information on Competing Books
- Please give a list of books (with date of publication, publisher, and price) that might be considered as 'competing' with your book.
- What are the advantages of your book over these titles?
- If you had to come up with three unique selling points for your book, what would they be?