General Questions
Q: How can I find information about a specific Oxford University Press publication?
First, make sure that the book has been published by Oxford University Press (OUP). Generally books with the ISBN beginning with 019 or 978 have been published by OUP. Next, go to the search box and type in one or two words from the book’s title. You can also type in the author’s name or the book’s ISBN (International Standard Book Number)—the 13-digit identifying number.
Q: What is an ISBN?
ISBN stands for International Standard Book Number. Every book published anywhere in the world is given a unique identifying 13-digit character code called an ISBN. The first three characters identify the standard publishing code, the next three characters identify the publisher of the book, the next six characters are a unique number assigned to the book, and the last character (which may be a letter) verifies that the number is a legitimate ISBN.