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Munna Man and Baby Lady: The Case of Pirate Sea
Daliya and Anniyah are two regular kids who live with their parents in a house in the woods in snowy New York state. Once a year, they travel with their mother halfway across the world to their other home, Pakistan. There, armed with secret identities as well as a secret language of mixed up Urdu-English words, Daliya and Anniyah are pirate-hustling, dakoo-busting, punch-thrusting crime fighters. Join Munna Man and Baby Lady on their adventures as they and their friends solve cases and fight crime.
Who knew that a love of books could land Daliya and Anniyah into trouble? The sisters’ second adventure begins in the most unlikely of places—a library. Join them and their friends as they help meek librarian Mrs Pehlwan figure out why Karachi’s books just aren’t the same. With the assistance of Professor-Uncle, the kindly fisherman, and their family, the girls’ quest for answers takes them to the high seas.