Jinnah: The Founder of Pakistan in the Eyes of his Contemporaries and his Documentary Records at Lincoln's Inn and the Inner Temple (Second Edition)

Author: Saleem Qureshi
PKR 350.00 (Recommended retail price)
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ISBN 9789697348367

The first edition of this book presented reminiscences of friends and contemporaries of Mohammed Ali Jinnah, together with documents relating to his time in London and extracts from Jinnah's speeches conveying his political philosophy.


In this second edition, new material has been introduced, expanding the original work to encompass not only little known aspects of Jinnah's professional practice but also the field of Islamic banking, so relevant in the current financial climate.

readerhip Readership / Level N/A
rights Rights World
publications Year of Publication 2024
binding Binding Ebook
pages Pages 196

Author Description


Saleem Qureshi is a London-based barrister who was called to the Bar by the Honourable Society of the Middle Temple and later called ad eundem by Lincoln's Inn. Inspired by the life and mission of Jinnah, who had also started his career from Lincoln's Inn, Saleem Qureshi formed the M.A. Jinnah Society, which held its inaugural meeting in the historic Old Hall of Lincoln's Inn. He is a founder member of the World Association of Muslim Jurists, Lahore, and Member, General Council of the Bar.

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