On Their Own Terms
On Their Own Terms is an engaging introduction to the inner dynamics of women’s social movements in Pakistan. Pakistani women are often viewed as merely passive victims of heinous crimes. In this book, Dr Saeed shows how they can collectively assert their will to bring change in their own lives, and in the lives of others.
The book provides details of four successful women’s movements since 2000: the provincial movements of the Punjab peasants and the Sindh fisherfolk, and the nationwide movements of the lady health workers and AASHA, the movement against sexual harassment.
On Their Own Terms enables readers to learn about the key players, their issues, their challenges, and the strategies they used. These cases have been written with two audiences in mind. First, the book is meant for the young activists of today. The author carefully documents these movements to provide lessons that can be incorporated into ongoing initiatives and has included stories of courageous women who make us proud. Second, the book is for the policymakers who need to understand the power of Pakistani women to lead social change on their own terms.