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Broadway Coursebook 7
Broadway is a complete course in English. Based on sound language learning principles, it has been designed to cater for the learners’ linguistic and communicative needs. A major objective of this multi-skill course is to provide a rich reading experience through a combination of stories, folktales, fables, plays, interviews, biographies, and autobiographical texts. A delightful selection of contemporary poems adds flavour to the content. The texts are carefully graded, and both simple and challenging tasks have been included for use in mixed-ability classes. An attractive layout and colourful illustrations add to the visual appeal of the package. The series has been aligned to the latest curriculum reforms by the Government of Pakistan.
The language teaching tasks focus on:
- Reading for fact, inference, and personal reflection
- Words with multiple meanings and context-specific meaning
- Grammatical correctness and situational appropriateness
- Writing for functional, personalized, and imaginative purposes
- Listening for detail and overall meaning
- Speaking with accuracy and fluency
- Study strategies, such as using the dictionary